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A Huge Thank You to our 2015 Officers & Board Members

07 Jan 2016 7:49 PM | Deleted user

We want to thank our President Mike Jacobs, JB Machine Parts and Supply. Mike will remain on the Board of Directors as our Immediate Past President and will still be very involved with the PBA.

Thanks to Jerry Nicklow for serving as our Vice President in 2015. Jerry will move up to the President position and lead our organization for the next year. He always stepped up to represent the PBA at Ribbon Cuttings etc. and I know he will be a great President.

We really need to thank Linda Loane, The Bank of Glen Burnie, who has been our treasurer since 2010 and is going to fill that position again for 2016. Thanks to Linda for her dedication to the PBA. We can always count on her to work the door at events and get involved wherever she is needed.

We want to thank Gina Cook, Avon, for volunteering to be the Secretary in 2013. The Board of Directors appointed Gina to that position and she is going to stay for 2016. So thanks Gina for your 4th year as Secretary.

Doug Cashmere, Ace Hardware & Hearth fulfilled his 2 consecutive 2 year terms on the Board of Directors and will now be the Vice President of the PBA. We can always count on Doug and Ace Hardware to pitch in wherever needed.

Kim Wharton, Maher’s Florist and John Williams, Secure Solutions Lock & Key also have fulfilled their 2 terms on the board. We will miss them but know that they will still be involved with the PBA.

Lisa Hart, Arundel Federal Savings Bank and Ruth Toomey, An Extraordinar Limousine will be fulfilling their second year of their term. Thanks to both of them for their commitment.

All of the above members have dedicated their time and effort to make the PBA a great organization. They chaired committees, worked on events, and represented the PBA whenever needed. We are so grateful for their commitment and look forward to many more years

Pasadena Business Association
P.O. Box 861, Pasadena, MD 21123-0861 | Phone: 410-360-4PBA | Fax: 410-544-7060 | pasadenabusinessassociation1@verizon.net 

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