Pasadena Business Association

Where Local Businesses Grow and Communities Thrive

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Businesses serving the Pasadena area gain a vital connection to the community through the Pasadena Business Association.

With hundreds of members, the organization reaches nearly every citizen through community assistance and public events such as parades, scholarships, and financial aid.  Since 1986, the PBA has provided a platform and environment for members to grow and develop their businesses.  A thoroughly professional group with a strong mission statement and by­laws, PBA leadership works continually to assure members receive the support and encouragement so necessary in today’s economy.  There is plenty of time for relaxation, including the Annual PBA Crab Feast.  Often committee members develop strong and lasting friendships along with business growth.  Monthly PBA meetings and periodic mixers with other business groups foster success through multiple contacts and exposure of businesses.

Regular meetings, usually the first Wednesday of each month, offer a forum for relaxed networking, presentations from business experts and public officials, and finding out what is really happening in Pasadena that will benefit your business.

The PBA awards thousands of dollars in scholarship each year. Although endowed with the profits from its two history books, the PBA holds a fundraiser each year to supplement the funds. Open to the public, the Scholarship Fundraiser Bull Roast in March is welcomed by everyone as a chance to get out after a long winter.

The social event of the year for Pasadena, the hot steamed crabs at Kurtz's Beach bring everyone out to enjoy the end of summer weather with friends and neighbors. Open to the pubic, members also invite employees and their families to share great food, music, and prizes.  The crab feast will be held in late September.

For avid golfers as well as Sunday duffers, Pasadena’s Compass Pointe Golf Course is the site of the Annual Golf Tournament heldp in September. It's a day of fun and friendly competition.

PBA members showcase their businesses in a festive atmosphere that encourages attendance by the community. This event gives an up­-close look at each business in its own booth where potential customers can meet members personally. There is always a complimentary buffet and drinks.

PBA businesses along with oue member businesses have maintained the Rt. 100 Flag since 2011.  The PBA organizes an annual Veteran's Day Remembrance which includes a local high school vocal ensemble, military honor guard, presentation of colors, a flag folding ceremony, a memorial wreath, and the sounding of "Taps."

Thousands of people line the streets of Pasadena as over 60 floats and marching units pass by on the first Sunday in November. The Parade is telecast on local cable channels on Thanksgiving Day. Literally tons of food gets collected by member businesses and along the parade route for distribution to local food pantries. Just one more example of great businesses making a great community.

Each year hundreds of citizens flock to PBA's Annual Christmas Tree Lighting where the children are greeted by Santa arriving via fire truck. Photos with Santa, face painting games, cookies, hot chocolate, and touching shiny fire trucks are treats for youngsters while everyone enjoys the beautiful sounds of local high school students singing favorite carols. Good friends, great neighbors, and most importantly, the wonderful children of this community join in for the countdown to light the Christmas tree.

Working year round with local schools, PTAs, and businesses, this Committee is involved in community food, clothing, and school supply drives, providing dozens of holiday baskets for needy families. The Education Committee gets involved with tutoring, mentoring, and Career Connections programs for Chesapeake and Northeast High Schools. It aims to make a difference by “Educating the Community for Our Future.”

The PBA works to make Pasadena a better community in which to live and work by donating funds and time to various education and community causes such as Hancock’s Resolution, Career Connections at Northeast and Chesapeake High Schools, Downs Park summer concerts, the Route 100 Flag Fund, annual high school scholarships, and Education Excellence Award.

Over 8,000 copies of two history books about Pasadena have been purchased over the last nine years. Conceived, funded, and produced by PBA members, “Between Two Rivers” and “The Pasadena Peninsula” were written by Isabel Shipley Cunningham. The books are sold at Sandy Spring Bank, The Bank of Glen Burnie, and BB&T on Mountain Road. 

Published annually, and distributed to over 4,000 businesses and residences in Pasadena, the Guide offers all members in good standing three FREE listings, alphabetical, business category, and cross reference. Display ads can be purchased for a nominal cost as well. This invaluable marketing tool is a prime source of information for the Pasadena community. If your business is not in it, be sure to grab this opportunity for the next directory by calling Sandi Parrish at the PBA, 410­-360­-4PBA (4722) or emailing

The membership committee schedules regular mixers hosted at the various member establishments.  For a nominal charge, you can enjoy a light buffet, non alcoholic beverages and fantastic networking.  There is usually a cash bar for alcohlic beverages at the mixers 

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