Pasadena Business Association
Flag Site Clean Up and Maintenance A very special thank you goes out to the following PBA members, individuals and companies who assisted and volunteered their time &/or products and equipment for refurbishment of the Veterans Memorial. They are: - Himmel’s Landscape and Garden Center/ Elizabeth Elliott for the donation and delivery of topsoil and stones. - Bay Country Rentals/ Mike and Ning Wist for the donated use of the walk behind track loader. -Nature’s Caretakers/Dotti Snyder & Brenda Pearson and Dotti’s husband Rick Snyder who oversaw the project. Dotti also brought Patrick Martinek who is working for Nature’s Caretakers and Patrick Oltman an Eagle Scout from Dotti and Ricks Boy Scout troop who were there all day. - Gina Cook of Avon who came with her husband Frank in the morning. - Preston Moore of Century 21 Don Gurney who also came in the morning and picked up the loader and delivered on site. - Sarah Rizzo of Opportunity Ministries who brought her brother Karl Maloy a young man in the US Marine Corps that attended all day. - Mike Dacre of Perfection Title, LTD/Hometown Exterior House Cleaning who was there all day and dropped off the loader at the end of the day back at Bay Country Rentals. - Sandi Parrish Exec. Director of PBA who was also there from start to finish. Everyone’s time helping and the donation of equipment and supplies was greatly appreciated and is an example of the Pasadena community coming together for a great cause which honors all that served. Please remember these organizations and people when you need a product or service for yourself, family, friends, or co-workers. Our members have a lot to offer! | November 11th at 1:00pm The annual Veterans Day ceremony held by the Pasadena Business Association will be on November 11, at 1:00pm. The ceremony will take place at the Veterans Memorial on Mountain Road in Pasadena near the intersection with Route 100. Veterans and active military are encouraged to come in uniform. Anyone that can come to assist our less-mobile veterans reach the flag site from the back parking lot at The Lake Shore Athletic Complex off Woods Road would be greatly appreciated. Bay Country Rentals always provides chairs for the attendees to sit on while the ceremony is going on. |
The Mountain Road Memorial Flag site is maintained by the Pasadena Business Association. If you would like to donate to the PBA flag fund, please click the button below. All contributions made here will be used to maintain the flag site, including replacing the flag as needed. Thank you for your support! *Contributions to the PBA Mountain Road Flag Fund are NOT tax deductible as a charitable donation. It may be deductible as a business expense for business owners. Please consult your accountant or tax advisor for tax advice. |