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Great Businesses Making a Great Community


Grow your Business & Improve the Community!

Monthly meetings and events with your peers
Networking, critical community information, business education, legislative issues—all things that can have a direct impact on your business. Meet people, make contacts, have your voice heard..  Check out our upcoming meetings and events with the link below.


Monthly newsletter
Keep up with what's going on! Legislative, business, and community issues highlighted and discussed, 

Membership Listing on the website and in the printed PBA Directory
The Guide is an essential for Pasadena residents seeking goods or services.  This benefit alone makes the annual dues wrth paying for.

Community outreach programs
A direct connection to the community that publicizes member businesses and creates interaction with residents and community leaders.

Workshops, round tables, & seminars
Access to experts providing information to improve your business skills and discover innovative ways for your business to grow. In the past we have hosted Facebook Marketing and Google Plus Local marketing classes.

Legislative Relationships
Government officials are PBA members and attend meetings. They do this keep us informed of the laws and regulations which may affect our community businesses.  

Social Events
Multiple events throughout the year including Annual Crab FeastScholarship FundraiserChristmas Tree LightingAnnual Golf Tournament, and more!

Great Businesses Making A Great Community!
The PBA welcomes new members throughout the year. For a membership packet that includes a free lunch for prospective members, please complete and submit a Membership Application or get in touch via the Contact Us page. Alternately, contact the PBA business office directly at 410-360-4PBA.

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Pasadena Business Association
P.O. Box 861, Pasadena, MD 21123-0861 | Phone: 410-360-4PBA | Fax: 410-544-7060 | pasadenabusinessassociation1@verizon.net 

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