Pasadena Business Association

Where Local Businesses Grow and Communities Thrive


The events and services provided to the members and the community wouldn't be possible without the tireless efforts of our volunteer committees. If you are looking to give back, have a talent to share, or time to spare, please volunteer for one or more committees. It's the efforts of the members PBA the success that it is. The description and chairs of the committees are noted below. Please reach out to the committee chair directly to get involved.

Shop Local

Chairs:  Mike Dacre
The Shop Local Committee works to create exposure for PBA businesses and provide a deal for PBA members and the community. Check out their page for updates on current happenings. Post your shop local deal for the community to see.

Website & Technology Committee

Chairs: Jerry Nicklow and Alyssa Jones
The aim of this committee is to provide education and support to PBA members in the areas of technology and digital marketing to help them grow their business. PBA members are encouraged to visit the PBA LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram accounts and send their promotions to be posted for promotion.

Scholarship Fundraiser Committee

Chair: Heather Frees
The PBA has a strong commitment to the community and offers scholarships every year to high school seniors and 8th graders. The annual Scholarship Fundraiser event held in March is a huge undertaking and wouldn't be possible without our committee. It's a fun event for members and the public to get out and socialize and have a good time, knowing that all proceeds raised are going to the youth of the community. Check out their page for updates on current happenings.

Education Committee

Working year round with local schools, PTAs, and businesses, this committee is involved in community food, clothing, and school supply drives, providing dozens of holiday baskets for needy families. The Education Committee gets involved with tutoring, mentoring, and career connection programs for Chesapeake and Northeast High Schools. It aims to make a difference by "educating the community for our future." Check out their page for updates on current happenings.

Membership Committee

Chair: Heidi Schmidt
The members of this committee reach out to new members, welcome them the PBA, and introduce to other members at meetings and events. They act as a resource for new members. Check out their page for updates on current happenings.

Legislative Committee

Chair: Tom Latta
To help members follow government changes affecting business and community, the PBA Legislative Committee examines bills coming before the Anne Arundel County Council and the Maryland Legislature, frequently testifying at hearings to voice opinions on the bill and their effects on local businesses. Check out their page for updates on current happenings.

Flag Committee

Chair: Dottie Snyder
The PBA hosts an annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony for all of our veterans and active military each Veteran’s Day.  We are so proud of this event and the veterans are happy to be honored.  We maintain the flag site at Rt. 100 & Mountain Road with the help of local Scout Troops.  We also maintain the flags and flag pole. Check out their page for updates on current happenings.

Caring & Sharing Harvest Parade Committee

Chair: Angela Balsamo
The PBA Caring & Sharing Parade is a special time for the community to line the streets and watch the floats, walking units, etc. We collect food along the parade route to supply seven local Pasadena food pantries for the holidays. This is fun committee that requires help in working the parade route, putting up signs, checking in the participants, keeping the parade moving, judging, etc. We have been doing this parade for 20 years. Check out their page for updates on current happenings.

Crab Feast Committee

Chair: Angela Balsamo
This is a social event for the PBA but we can always use help with selling tickets, working the night of the event, buying tickets and bringing your family, friends, clients, etc. Check out their page for updates on current happenings.

A Child's Christmas

Chair: Courtney Stitt
Every year we get wish lists from our local school counselors with necessities and wishes for Christmas. We fill these wish lists with the help from our members and the community. This committee can use help with purchasing, wrapping, picking up or delivering items. This project will tug at your heart strings but also make you feel really good that you helped someone less fortunate.

Tree Lighting Committee

Chair: Heather Frees
We host a Tree Lighting Ceremony the first Tuesday in December at Lake Shore Plaza. This is a time for the community to come out and play games, eat cookies, have hot chocolate, and sit on Santa’s lap for a picture. This is a fun committee because everyone is having such a good time. Check out their page for updates on current happenings.

Golf Tournament Committee

Chair: Tom Latta
For avid golfers as well as Sunday duffers come play golf with us and help us raise money for our Community Assistance Fund. Open to the public come join us and make this a great event. Check out their page for updates on current happenings.

Membership Directory & Community Guide

Published annually and distributed to over 4,000 businesses and residences, this guide offers all members free listings with an opportunity to purchase display ads at a reasonable cost. If you like editing or taking pics you can help on this committee. If you want to deliver directories after they are printed to member businesses, it is a great way to introduce yourself to other members or businesses.

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