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Great Businesses Making a Great Community

PBA Directory Ads

  • 01 Aug 2023
  • Pasadena Business Association


  • Full color, 7.5 x 10
  • 7.5 x 10, Upon Payment you will be contacted in reference to your art.
  • 1.5 x 1, Your full color logo, on the front cover. Upon Payment you will be contacted in reference to your art.
  • 7.5 x 5, Full Color, Upon Payment you will be contacted in reference to your art.
  • 7.5 x 10, Black and White, Upon Payment you will be contacted in reference to your art.
  • 3.625 x 10, Black and White, Upon Payment you will be contacted in reference to your art.
  • 7.5 x 10, Black and White, Upon Payment you will be contacted in reference to your art.
  • 2.35 x 4.875, Black and White, Upon Payment you will be contacted in reference to your art.
  • 4.91 x 2.375, Black and White, Upon Payment you will be contacted in reference to your art.
  • If you provide more than one type of services, this is how you purchase additional categories. Each additional category is $20. (Use the additional guest field for additional categories.)
    please email pasadenabusinessassociation1@verizon.net to provide a description of your additional category preferences.
  • Full color, 7.5 x 10


The 2023 PBA Directory ads are available to purchase now!  

Get your business ad in our PBA directory now.  It will be distributed throughout the Pasadena community.  The directory is a great resource provided to our local community and can give your business great exposure.

Reserve your spot in our directory today!


FULL COLOR RATES:                               

Inside back cover    - 7.5 x 10                                        $900.00 ___

Inside Full Page     7.5 x 10                                                $700.00  ___

Cover Logo             1.5 x 1 (Approx)                               $300.00  ___

Half-Page Color         7.5 x 5                                              $385.00 ___


Full Page                             7.5 x 10                                     $425.00 ___

Half - Page (V)                    3.625 x 10                            $250.00 ___

Half - Page (H)                    7.5 x 4.875                           $250.00 ___

One -Sixth Page (V)           2. 3 5 x 4.875                    $110.00 ___

One -Sixth Page (H)           4.91x 2. 375                       $110.00 ___

Get The Ad Form Here

Pasadena Business Association
P.O. Box 861, Pasadena, MD 21123-0861 | Phone: 410-360-4PBA | Fax: 410-544-7060 | pasadenabusinessassociation1@verizon.net 

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